什么是数据中心的浸入式冷却? -如何运作


克里斯Carriero 发布日期:2023年12月8日

IT专业人士被要求少花钱多办事. 幸运的是, 有几条潜在的前进路线, 包括各种功能和维护的第三方外包, 改进的监控和报告, 以及能够降低能源成本的技术创新.

An exciting opportunity for better data center energy efficiency is immersion cooling – could this be the key to optimized IT operations?



Immersion cooling is a type of liquid cooling used to moderate data center equipment temperature by submerging it in a cooling fluid. Server immersion cooling helps to dissipate heat and keep components like CPUs performing optimally. Immersion cooling systems prove to be more efficient than traditional data center cooling methods (like computer room air conditioning, 或CRAC),因为大多数液体的导热性比空气高.


因为 1-1.5%的用电量 全球范围内的数据中心, companies have been innovating to find a 液体冷却液 that can reduce that energy demand. Dielectric fluid immersion cooling is one solution that could increase CPU density in data centers while consuming less energy.


Dielectric liquid cooling depends on the use of a thermally conductive but not electrically conductive fluid that will not disrupt the function of electrical components like servers. 介电流体的例子包括矿物油碳氢化合物, 合成碳氟化合物), 硅胶液体.

Immersion cooling technology can rely on 电介质s purpose-chosen to remain in a liquid state, 或者是在系统内经过液体和气体状态循环的流体. The type of fluid chosen depends on whether a single-phase or two-phase system is being used.

浸入式冷却vs. 液体冷却

简单地说, immersion cooling is a subset of several liquid cooling techniques that have been explored. 其他类型的液体冷却包括直接到芯片(DTC), 后门十大赌博正规老平台器机架冷却, 水运数据中心冷却, 蒸发冷却.

浸入式冷却vs. 十大赌博正规老平台器机架水冷却

带浸没冷却, 整个数据中心组件直接浸入一个特殊设计的水箱中. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 水冷式十大赌博正规老平台器机架看起来与传统的机架式十大赌博正规老平台器非常相似, but they are networked with waterblocks and tubing that circulates fluid to help dissipate heat.


从基础层面, liquid immersion cooling data center components involves dunking them in a 电介质. From there, the process can look drastically different depending on whether a two-phase vs. 采用单相浸没冷却系统.

单相vs. 两相浸没冷却

单相和两相浸泡中的“相”是物质状态的参考, 而不是系统的物理阶段. The physical footprints of these two immersion cooling tanks are not drastically different, 但它们的冷却循环和所含液体使它们与众不同.



在单相浸没冷却, 来自浸入式十大赌博正规老平台器组件的热量直接传递给周围的流体. 然而,介电流体不经历从液体到气体的“相变”. 而不是, the fluid is cycled out of the immersion tank by a coolant pump that runs through a heat exchanger and is returned to the immersion tank at a lower temperature where it continues this heat transfer cycle.


在两相浸没冷却, 浸没的十大赌博正规老平台器组件产生的热量使特殊的浸没液沸腾. 由此产生的蒸汽加热密封室顶部的冷凝器盘管. The coolant in the condenser coil is cycled out of the chamber to a heat rejection mechanism (cooling tower, 等.). 然后, 冷却剂在较低的温度下被送回密封室, 准备好继续传热循环.

One of the key elements of this type of immersion cooling tank is the low boiling point of the immersion fluid. 然而, one of the key complaints of two-phase cooling include the sealing functionality of the immersion chamber.

由于蒸汽从两相液体中变相浸入冷却, 在操作过程中,腔室必须密封. This means that performing maintenance requires a cooling and unsealing process that costs valuable operation time (which can 每分钟花费高达5600美元).


从更高的效率到更少的数据中心噪音, 十大赌博正规老平台器浸入式冷却为您的IT操作提供了无数的好处.

1. 浸入式冷却比空气冷却耗能更少

The average power usage effectiveness ratio (PUE) within a data center can be measured by dividing total energy consumed by energy used by computing equipment. 这意味着当PUE接近1时,效率正在提高. 根据 寄存器到2022年,传统数据中心的PUE约为1.58,而单相浸泡能够将这个数字降至1.05 to 1.10的范围.

2. 浸入式十大赌博正规老平台器不需要空调

传统的数据中心基础设施会通过增高的地板间接地为十大赌博正规老平台器降温, CRAC单元, 战略性地在数据中心地板上放置设备. Immersion removes this requirement which accounts for around 35-40% of the power used in a data center. 这消除了对冷热岛、增高地板和CRAC单元的需求.

3. 节省了空间

浸没式冷却不仅能提高数据中心的能源效率, 但它也可以节省宝贵的空间. 根据… 2023研究文章, immersion cooling only requires about one-third of the space to that of an air-cooled configuration. One of the main contributors to this efficiency is the improved rack power density from not having to allow for air flow within servers.

记住, an immersion cooling server configuration is a huge departure from a traditional rack-mount server. Space efficiencies will likely not come into play by placing one or two submerged server cooling tanks in your data center. A widescale change in a data center floor plan may be required before enjoying this benefit.

4. 增加机架密度

平均而言,数据中心42U机柜可容纳5- 7kw的十大赌博正规老平台器计算. 另外,完全填充的42U浸入式机架可以容纳超过380千瓦的计算. The safe computing density advantages that come from liquid immersion cooling solutions cannot be disputed. Not to mention, these immersion tanks can be installed anywhere with a power and network hookup.

5. 降低数据中心噪音

CRAC, one of the main traditional cooling methods for data centers, is reliant on the use of fans. 这意味着传统的数据中心噪音很大. 浸入式冷却十大赌博正规老平台器配置不依赖于风扇和气流进行冷却. 由于它们的液体冷却功能,浸没冷却具有 被证明可以减少数据中心的噪音.

6. 帮助你的投资面向未来

对计算能力的需求, 更高的十大赌博正规老平台器机架密度, 而热量的去除也一直呈上升趋势. 通过在数据中心实现浸入式冷却, you are building yourself more runway to introduce next generation products in your IT environment. 和, 而非标准的直接芯片组件每一代都需要升级, 你的液体浸泡浴即使在十大赌博正规老平台器进化的时候也能工作.



Launching a 液体冷却液 comes with a list of challenges like preparing existing hardware for immersion, training maintenance staff (or finding qualified third-party maintainers) on the repair process for immersed gear, 管理油箱的供应商, 电介质, 和更多的.

Park Place Technologies can optimize your immersion cooling journey by acting as a single-vendor solution for the entire process. 进一步了解我们的 液体冷却液 今天!


As Chief Technology Officer, Chris serves as principal technical leader for Park Place Technologies. He is accountable for Corporate Innovation, Research and Development, and new portfolio offerings. Chris与整个公司的业务和技术领导者合作, 将公园广场的技术概念变为现实. He is well-versed in how organizations face the challenges and opportunities that emerging technologies like Edge, AI, 区块链, 和液体(浸没)冷却.